May 2nd, 2024
On April 27th the Basketball Federation of Guinea Bissau launched there new website. Since the beginning of his mandate, the new leadership of the Executive Director of the Basketball Federation of Guinea-Bissau, has decided to create a project called PROBASKET, with the mission of promoting and creating activities aimed at developing the basketball modality in the country, encouraging the greater participation of children and girls in the practice this modality through sporting activities, trainings and lectures.
Almeida has made several powerful moves in Guinea Bissau to create new programs and help revolutionize the Basketball infrastructure within the country. In order to facilitate and help promote the activities of the program within Guinea Bissau.
The management led by President Claudomiro Almeida, together with his collaborators from the United States of America, created the website of the Basketball Federation of Guinea-Bissau, which will certainly contribute to greater visibility of its activities through social networks, providing information of public interest.
This website includes league scores, articles, videos, historical records, foundations and a basketball store to promote basketball in the country. The event on Aptil 27th was broadcasted on several Guinean networks such as Family 12, Radio Voz and more. This resulted in almost 4,000 people viewership. Thank you for all our supporters and everyone who tuned in. The country now prepares for the National Championship and Senior playoffs.